New Year Wishes

New Year Wishes

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  • May this year give you the opportunity to follow your dreams, love like there is no tomorrow and smile unconditionally. Happy New Year!
  • As we celebrate the New Year, I wish everyone success, a healthy long life and a fresh new start. Happy New Year!
  • We are lucky that we get to have a second chance, so be grateful and live life to the fullest. Have a joyous New Year!
  •     Let us be a better human being, a better person and a better citizen. New Year’s is a                 time to better ourselves for a better world. Have a grand New Year!
  • Wishing all my Facebook friends and family a blessed New Year full of peace, laughter, prosperity and health.
  • May you always be surrounded by hope and guided by the stars. Have a prosperous New Year!
  • It’s not the destination, it’s the journey. May you enjoy each day of your adventure. Happy New Year!
  • We may be far apart but you are always in my heart. May you have a healthy and abundant New Year!
  • New Year Wishes
  • Cheers to a better life and a bright future. Have a prosperous New Year!
  • Free yourself from sadness and frown for the New Year has finally come to town. Have a happy and healthy New Year!
  • May all your wishes come true and a very happy New Year to you!
  • Roses are red, violets are blue, it’s party time, happy New Year to you! Have a fantastic New Year!
  • Have a crazy, rocking, exciting and magical New Year!
  • New love, new do, new purse, new adventures, new you. May the coming year be a great success for you.
  • May the Lord bless and shower you with a great future. Happy New Year!
  • 365 days complete, 365 new days to go, I am writing a New Year’s resolution, how about you? May you have a wonderful New Year!
  • Here’s your chance to turn over a new leaf. May you have a successful journey ahead. Happy New Year!
  • Make your New Year a blast of fun, full of cheer and warm greetings for everyone. Have a healthy New Year!
  • Cheers to a new year and a fond farewell to the old. May you have a prosperous and healthy New Year!
  • Wishing you a year that’s promising, exciting, inspiring and full of fun! Happy New Year everyone!
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  • May the new chapter of your life be even better than the last. Have a wonderful New Year!
  • Wishing you healthy, peaceful and joyful New Year full of fun!
  • May you accomplish your goals for this New Year. I know you can do it. Best wishes for New Years.
  • New Year is a time to celebrate with friends and family, to have fun, to catch up and to party. So may you enjoy your New Year with your loved ones.
  • May you have an abundant and amazing New Year ahead of you and may all your dreams come true. Have a fantastic New Year!
  • I wish you a New Year that as colorful as a firework and as fun as bounce house. Happy a fun-filled New Year!

     Wishing you a New Year that’s sparkling with fun and in high spirits. Have a wonderful         New Year!

  • May your New Year arrive with hope and a bag full of blessings. Have a prosperous and healthyNew Year!
  • The newness of this year inspires me to greet you, for all great things have begun anew. Best New Year wishes!

    • May this New Year give you the courage to face a new horizon. Have a blessed New Year!
    • When the New Year starts with colorful fireworks, let them light up your life like a candle in the night and may they color your year like a rainbow. Happy New Year!
    • Make your New Year a blast of fun, celebrate it with everyone. I wish you all the best that life can bring, it’s New Year Eve lets party and sing!
    • May opportunity and prosperity come knocking on your door. Have a prosperous and healthy New Year!
    • May the spirit of this holiday bring you hope and an exciting new beginning. Happy New Year!
    • All the stars wish you a happy New Year, even the moon is brighter to guide you, have no fear. Happy New Year!
    • May each day of the New Year be filled with contentment, opportunities, peace and abundance. Happy New Year!
    • May you have no regrets leaving the old and may you get excited facing the new. Wishing you all the best in the New Year.
    • Party hard, celebrate and make a New Year’s wish. Have a healthy and prosperous New Year!
    • Tomorrow will be the new beginning of an exciting new page in our lives. Celebrate and rejoice! I wish you happiness in the year to come.
    • Please share these happy New Year wishes. Spread the peace, joy and love! Every little bit helps!

    Funny New Year Wishes

    • This coming year may you have happiness, good health, prosperity and finally realize how awesome I really am!
    • Before I get completely wasted, make a fool of myself, stumble my way home and pass out, let me wish you a very happy New Year.
    • May your New Year’s resolution be high definition. And may you be too drunk to understand that joke!
    • To all of my Facebook friends, may your Facebook page be full of New Year wishes from people you barely know.
    • May the New Year hurry up and come so we can finally get past this holiday season and get on with our lives!
    • New Year’s resolutions are a to-do list for the first week of January.
    • My New Year’s resolution is to be a little less perfect so I can stop making everyone else look so bad.
    • May you grow old enough that you struggle to stay up until midnight, prefer to stay home on New Year’s Eve and are unable to remember what a New Year celebration was like when you were young.
    • My New Year’s resolution is to stop pretending that you don’t annoy me so much.
    • Happy New Year! Here’s hoping that we can stay up later than 9 o’clock.
    • I can’t believe it’s already been a whole year since I deceived myself into making New Year’s resolutions.

    • New Year Wishes
    • May you get so drunk that you can’t remember any of last year’s problems and you see the New Year through beer goggles.
    • “New Year’s Day: Now is the accepted time to make your regular annual good resolutions. Next week you can begin paving hell with them as usual.” – Mark Twain
    • “An optimist stays up until midnight to see the New Year in. A pessimist stays up to make sure the old year leaves.” – Bill Vaughan
    • “May all your troubles last as long as your New Year’s resolutions. – Joey Adams
    • Please share these funny New Year wishes. Spread the laughter and love! Every little bit helps!

    Happy New Year Wishes for Friends

    • One thing I resolve not to change this year is our friendship. Thanks for being so awesome!
    • To all of my friends, may you have a healthy, happy, prosperous and spectacular New Year!
    • Your friendship has been one of the most valuable things in my life this past year. Thank you for everything.
    • Friends like you bring happiness all throughout the year. Have an excellent New Year!
    • The New Year goes perfectly with old friends like you.
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    • My friend, may every day of the New Year radiate with joy and glow with prosperity and joy for you.
    • With friends like you, I don’t need New Year’s resolutions because I’ve already got a terrific life. Thanks for all you do.
    • Happy New Year friend! Now let’s party!
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    • New Year’s is a time of renewal and rejuvenation. May this year bring you all that you hope and desire. If anyone deserves it, it is you my friend.
    • Just as a flower buds and blooms to reveal its refreshing beauty and fresh scent, may the New Year bring with it a fresh new start and many beautiful things for you.
    • You are my best friend and there is nobody that I more sincerely wish for all the blessings of life to come to this new year than you. Thanks for being you.
    • A true friend is someone who doesn’t laugh at you for not keeping your New Year’s resolutions. Thanks for being a true friend to me. Best New Year wishes!
    • Happy New Year wishes to all of my friends. Thanks for all you did to make this past year a happy one.
    • Thank you for everything you’ve done for me this past year. I couldn’t have asked for a better friend to be by my side throughout it all.
    • May the spirit of the season fill your heart with serenity and peace. Happy New Year my friend.
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    • New Year Wishes

    • Please share these happy New Year messages for friends. Spread the peace and love! Every little bit helps!

    New Year Wishes for Family

    • Thank you for all the love you’ve given me this year, thank you for giving me so much to be grateful for.
    • We may not be perfect, but we are family, and there is nobody that I more sincerely wish to have a truly happy New Year.
    • May this year bring you more visits from me, more food to make for me and less arguments from me!
    • Happy New Year Mom and Dad. Thanks for all that you do for me.
    • Happy New Year my sister. I couldn’t ask for a better sibling. May we both live to see many more New Years.
    • Happy New Year brother. May this year bring you much prosperity, love and joy.
    • Happy New Year my child. I am so proud of you and all that you have accomplished this past year.
    • I can’t wait to ring in the New Year with all of you. I am so lucky to have such a great family.
    New Year Wishes
    • Sorry we aren’t celebrating the New Year together, but family is always connected even when far away.
    • May God bless our family and protect us throughout the entire new year. May we forgive and forget all past mistakes and deepen our family bonds.
    • Wishing all of you a year filled with cheer and love. Happy New Year my wonderful family!
    • The New Year has brought another opportunity for us to set things right and to start anew in our lives.
    • Dad, thanks for all that you do and all that you’ve done to set me off on the road of life. Much of the credit for my victories this year goes to you.
    • Mom, I just wanted to say Happy New Year to you and let you know that I truly do appreciate every little thing that you have done for me.
    • Wishing you a prosperous year full of good health and lots of cheer.
    New Year Wishes

    • Please share these happy New Year wishes for family. Spread the peace, joy and love! Every little bit helps!

    Happy New Year Wishes for Lovers and Partners

    • My gift of unconditional love I give to you, with sincerity, blessings and loyalty too. Have a wonderful New Year my darling!
    • You are my life, you are my world, you are my everything. Happy New Year dear.
    • You are the center of my universe, the soul to my body and the love of my life. Happy New Year my love!
    • True happiness is you, true meaning is you, and true love is you. Happy New Year darling!
    • Years will come and years will go, but our love for each other will only strengthen and grow.
    • May you and I grow old together, celebrating each New Year with our arms wrapped around each other, with love that will deepen with each passing year.
    • I only have one New Year’s resolution: to make you feel like a queen for all 365 days.
    • The New Year will come and go but I am just happy to spend each day with you. Happy New Year my love!
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    • Thank you for the best ride ever. May the New Year bring us closer and give us more exciting adventures together.
    • I am so blessed in many ways but I am grateful to be celebrating the New Year with you. I love you!
    • I look forward to the New Year because I get to share it with you.
    happy new year wishes for lover
    • I love you so very much and when I hold you near, I know I have all I need for a wonderful New Year.
    • My New Year is such a blast and a blessing because of you. I love you!
    • You are my dream come true, oh it’s so true! I’ll have the best New Year because of you.
    • There is nobody I would rather have by my side this New Year than you. May we celebrate many more together.
    • Thanks for making this past year the best one yet. Happy New Year my love.
    • I can’t believe that I get to spend this New Year with the most beautiful, breath-taking person in the whole world.
    • If I kiss you at midnight on New Year’s Eve every year for the rest of my life, then I will be truly happy.
    • I love you with all of my heart and soul and I resolve to love you more and more each and every year.
    • A celebration just isn’t joyful if you’re not by my side. Happy New Year love, I can’t wait to see you again.
    • You make my heart beat like a firework. Happy New Year my love!
    • I will never get tired of loving you, from January through December, and as the New Year arrives, my love for you will keep on growing.
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    • Please share these romantic New Year wishes for lovers. Spread the romance and love! Every little bit helps!

    New Year Quotes

    • “Tomorrow, is the first blank page of a 365 page book. Write a good one.” – Brad Paisley
    • “Hope smiles from the threshold of the year to come, whispering ‘it will be happier'” ― Alfred Lord Tennyson
    • “As the year comes to an end, don’t look back at yesterday’s disappointment. Look ahead to God’s promises yet to unfold.” – Buky Ojelabi
    • “You are never too old to set a new goal or dream a new dream.” – C.S. Lewis
    • “New Year’s Day. A fresh start. A new chapter in life waiting to be written. New questions to be asked, embraced, and loved. Answers to be discovered and then lived in this transformative year of delight and self-discovery.” -Sarah Ban Breathnach
    • “Each age has deemed the new-born year as the fittest time for festal cheer.” – Walter Scott
    • “New Year’s Day is every man’s birthday.” – Charles Lamb
    new year wishes quotes
    • “Ring out the false, ring in the true.” – Alfred Lord Tennyson
    • “And now we welcome the New Year, full of things that have never been.” – Rainer Maria Rilke
    • “We will open a book. It’s pages are blank. We are going to put words on them ourselves. The book is called opportunity and its first chapter is New Years Day.” – Edith Pierce
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    • “May the New Year bring you courage to break your resolutions early. My own plan is to swear off every kind of virtue, so that I triumph even when I fall!” – Aleister Crowley
    • “As the old year retires and a new one is born, we commit into the hands of our Creator the happenings of the past year and ask for direction and guidance in the new one. May He grant us His grace, His tranquility and His wisdom!” ― Peggy Toney Horton
    • “Celebrate endings – for they precede new beginnings.” – Jonathan Lockwood Huie
    • “Drop the last year into the silent limbo of the past. Let it go, for it was imperfect, and thank God that it can go.” – Brooks Atkinson
    • “For last year’s words belong to last year’s language and next year’s words await another voice.” ― T.S. Eliot
    • Please share these happy New Year wishes quotes. Spread the inspiration and joy! Every little bit helps!
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    Chinese New Year Wishes

    Here are the most common Chinese New Year greetings and wishes. First is the English translation, followed by the Simplified Chinese (used in Mainland China), followed by the traditional Chinese (used in Taiwan, Hong Kong, Macau, Singapore and most overseas communities – note that some characters are the same), the pinyin (the official) pronunciation, followed by how the pronunciation is best approximated in English.
    chinese new year wishes 
    • Happy New Year! (新年快乐!, 新年快樂!, xīn nián kuài lè, sheen-knee-un-kwhy-luh)
    • May you have a prosperous new year (恭喜发财, 恭喜發財, gōng xǐ fā cái, gong-she-fa-tsigh)
    • Wishing you a happy New Year (祝您新年好, 祝您新年好, zhù nín xīn nián hǎo, jew-neen-sheen-knee-un-how)
    • Happy Spring Festival! (春节快乐!, 春节快乐!, chūn jié kuài lè, chwoon-gee-ay-kwhy-luh)
    • May you have an abundance year after year (年年有余, 年年有餘, nián nián yǒu yú, knee-un-knee-un-yo-you)
    • May good fortune come to you as you wish (吉祥如意, 吉祥如意, jí xiáng rú yì, gee-she-ang-roo-ee)
    • May you enjoy good health (身体健康, 身體健康, shēn tǐ jiàn kāng, shun-tee-gee-un-kahng)
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    • Wishing you happiness every day (天天快乐, 天天快樂, tiāntiān kuàilè, tee-un-tee-un-kwhy-luh)
    • May all of your wishes come true (心想事成, 心想事成, Xīn xiǎng shì chéng, sheen-sheyang-sure-chung)
    • I hope that all things go the way you hope (万事如意, 萬事如意, wànshì rúyì, wan-sure-roo-ee [1st syllable pronounced like ‘wand’ without the ‘d’)
    • Please share these Chinese New Year wishes. Spread the peace, joy and love! Every little bit helps!

    New Year Text Messages / SMS

    • Even though we are not together for this New Year, you are in my heart and I wish you all the best.
    • I miss you more than ever right now. At this moment, when one year kisses another, I wish I was kissing you.
    • May your New Year be one of renewal, success, love and a cell phone battery that never runs out!
    • Happy New Year! Sorry for the text, but someone as important as you deserves to be greeted right at the stroke of midnight.
    • Happy New Year my friend. May this year be one of prosperity and joy for you and I hope we get a chance to meet up in 2017.
    • Happy 2017! Can you believe we still use text messages in this day and age?
    • You’re lucky these New Year greetings are coming to you through a phone because otherwise you’d be getting one heck of a kiss!
    • Forgive me for all my past mistakes. May this New Year bring us both a fresh new start. Best wishes for the new year!

  • Sorry to send New Years greetings through a text message, but I figured email was too impersonal!
  • May you have a healthy and happy New Year and may you experience a new year as often as there’s a new iPhone!
    • Please share these happy New Year wishes sms texts. Spread the love and joy! Every little bit helps!

    More Happy New Year Messages

    • New Year, new you, new resolution, new change, new beginning, new opportunities. Happy New Year to you!
    • May you have a year filled with smiles, love, luck and prosperity. This is my wish from me to you. Happy New Year!
    • Celebrate a new beginning with true friends and family, full of love and harmony. Have a wonderful New Year!
    • May the light of the fireworks give you hope and may the wishes from friends and family bring about a smile on your face. Have an exciting New Year!
    • A future of love, hope, health and happiness I wish to you. Happy New Year!
    • May God’s love shine and bless you this year. Have a blessed New Year!
    • As we bid farewell to the past, may it take all our pain and sorrows with it and may the New Year arrive with an arm open wide and full of blessings and joy. Happy New Years Eve!
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    • May we never think about sorrows and only contemplate on a brighter, merrier tomorrow. Have a healthy and bright New Year!
    • Wishing you a warm and heartfelt greeting for you and your family, full of love, hope and serenity. Have a fantastic New Year!
    • Say goodnight to the old year and say hello and greet the New Year with open arms. Happy New Year!
    • New Year’s is for renew, New Year’s is for hope, New Year’s is for peace and plenty, New Year’s is for you!
    • A sparkling brand new year lies ahead, a better and abundant new life that you will lead. Happy New Year!
    happy new year wishes
    • May you have a victorious and prosperous New Year!
    • Say hello to a New Year, new you and new blessings. Have a prosperous and healthy New Year!
    • Cheers to a life so blessed, toast to an exciting new quest, and I wish you all the best. Happy New Year!
    • The best thing about the New Year is having the feeling of a renewed hope. The chance to get it right and to enjoy the journey. Have a successful New Year!
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    • Happy New Year to you, and may all your heart’s desires come true!
    • It is the time for fun and party, it is the time to reflect and be grateful, so celebrate and be cheerful. Happy New Year!
    • May you give yourself a new chance and a new beginning because New Year’s means celebrating. Happy New Year to you!
    • Another year has passed, another year is coming, so grab it, enjoy it and have a blast. Have a wonderful New Year!
    • May blessings and hope abound for you and your family this year. Have a prosperous and healthy New Year!
    • The New Year is a new start, so, ready set and go, make it memorable and live your life to the fullest. Best wishes for the new year!
    • A big smile, a big hug, a warm welcome for the New Year has come. Happy New Year wishes to you!
    • New Year’s come again to give us new hope and inspiration to be better people and better human beings. Have a successful New Year!
    • May this New Year bring you success in whatever you do, and I’ll always be behind supporting and cheering for you. Best New Year wishes!
    • I pray for you a healthy and long life and wish for you all the best this New Year. Have a wonderful New Year!
    • I didn’t know what to write in a New Year card, so I’ll just wish you a healthy and prosperous New Year!
    happy new year messages
    • Wish I may, wish I might, that you have a blast at your New Year’s Eve party tonight. Happy New Year!
    • Get excited, for the New Year has come, and make way for new ideas, new hope, new beginnings and new adventures. Have a prosperous New Year!
    • New Years is such a fun and exciting holiday so bust a move and dance like no one is watching. Have a magical New Year!
    • Let us celebrate and dance for the New Year is here, light up the fireworks and let’s hear a good cheer!
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    • May God give you a new chance, new blessing, new future, new hope, and new tomorrow. Have a blessed New Year!
    • New Year, I welcome you, you make my life feel brand new. Best wishes for new year.
    • God gave us a brand new year so wipe your tear and have no fear. For New Year is a hope, so have fun and don’t mope!
    • I wish for you a year of joy, love, success, prosperity and all good things. You deserve nothing but the best in life.
    • A perfect year for a perfect person. May you continue to be successful and happy. I am so proud of you!
    • A year has gone and we let it blow away and become dust, just a memory and in its place we stand in awe at the limitless potential that the New Year has in store for us. May your New Year be perfect! Sending you all my best New Year wishes messages!
    • Nights are dark and lights are bright, new is the year and it will be alright. Happy New Year!
    • May you fly like a bird and carry with you a new leaf of hope and peace. Have a fantastic New Year!
    • I found hope, love, prosperity, and joy and they needed a place to stay so I gave them your number. May you have a healthy and prosperous New Year!
    • May God shower you with His abc’s: abundance, blessings and cheer. Happy New Year best wishes!
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    • While you dance and dine on New Year’s Eve, may you remember to be forget and forgive. Have a blessed New Year!
    happy new year images
    New Year Wishes New Year Wishes Reviewed by Hassan on December 06, 2018 Rating: 5

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